Sunday, February 20, 2011

merica's initial

 Stone Age inhabitants arrived here by traversing the Bering Strait, and over the centuries that followed a wide variety of Indian cultures developed and prospered across the land.

After Columbus made his initial voyage to this New World, word of its potential riches spread across Europe, and explorers and settlers soon stepped ashore by the thousands, from Boston to Florida.

MayflowerIn 1620, the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower, landing in what is now modern-day Massachusetts;their settlement named Plymouth survived, and the story of a new nation was subsequently born.

Inevitable conflicts and wars over lands rightfully claimed by Indians and other established nations were followed by theRevolutionary War, as America and its upstart colonies broke from England and declared their new-found independence.

America expanded rapidly, well beyond the reach of theoriginal 13 colonies; the remaining indigenous Indians were stripped of most of their lands and moved to reservations; the central plains were purchased from Napoleon (France); Florida was grabbed from Spain, and the entire southwest (including California) was annexed after a successful war with Mexico - as the growing influence and size of the United States of America began to take shape.

Settlers (pioneers) from the east spread west across the plains, all the way to California. Soon railroads - the driving engines of coast-to-coast commerce - were up and running; the economy exploded and towns sprang up across the land. In the southern states slavery was an on-going, serious problem, and this new and fast-growing nation was soon ravaged by a bloody Civil War between north and south; the north (northern states) eventually won, and slavery was abolished.

No stranger to wars, be them small or large, the U.S.provided significant help in ending World War I; singlehandedly destroyed the Japanese Empire after they attacked the U.S. at Pearl Harbor; defeated Adolph Hitler and the German Army in World War II, with the heroic assistance of the United Kingdom (UK), and other allied forces, including Russia.

JFKMistakes it has surely made, as segregation and much-needed civil rights for blacks, the Vietnam War fiasco, and the on-going war in Iraq are certainly some of its questionable decisions, however, today the United States of America (USA), remains the planet's only true super power, and the major provider of financial aid and military assistance across this planet we all call home.

As the world's largest economy, it's a significant leader in the fields of agriculture, education, energy, health care, high-tech, service industries, space exploration, and manufacturing of all descriptions.

The country includes (50) states; (48) continental states, plus Alaska and Hawaii, the two newest states. Dozens of major cities cover the land from coast-to-coast, andWashington D.C., the capital, reflects the incredible history of America, and stands as a proud symbol of its freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

Read more about the events and historic time line of the United States of America.

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