Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Karachi History


[edit]Early history

Mirza Ghazi Beg was the famous Mughaladministrator of Sindh and a renowned historical figure in Sindhi folklore.
The area of Karachi was known to the ancient Greeks by many names: Krokola, the place where Alexander the Greatcamped to prepare a fleet for Babylonia after his campaign in the Indus Valley; 'Morontobara' (probably Manora island nearKarachi harbour), from whence Alexander's admiral Nearchus set sail; and Barbarikon, a port of the Bactrian kingdom. It was later known to the Arabs as Debal from whereMuhammad bin Qasim led his conquering force into South Asia in 712 AD[10]
Karachi was founded as "Kolachi" by Sindhiand Baloch tribes from Balochistan and Makran, who established a small fishing community in the area.[11] Descendants of the original community still live in the area on the small island of Abdullah Goth, which is located near the Karachi Port. The original name "Kolachi" survives in the name of a well-known Karachi locality named "Mai Kolachi" in SindhiMirza Ghazi Beg, the Mughal administrator of Sindh, is among the first historical figures credited for the development of Coastal Sindh (consisting of regions such as the Makran Coast and the Mehran Delta), including the cities of ThattaBhambore and Karachi.
During the rule of the Mughal administrator of SindhMirza Ghazi Beg the city was well fortified against Portuguese colonial incursions in Sindh. During the reign of the Kalhora Dynasty the present city started life as a fishing settlement when a Sindhi Balochi fisher-woman called Mai Kolachi took up residence and started a family. The city was an integral part of the Talpur dynasty in 1720.
The village that later grew out of this settlement was known as Kolachi-jo-Goth (Village of Kolachi in Sindhi). By the late 1720s, the village was trading across the Arabian Sea with Muscat and the Persian Gulf region. The local Sindhi populace built a small fort was constructed for the protection of the city, armed with cannons imported by Sindhi sailors from Muscat, Oman. The fort had two main gateways: one facing the sea, known as Kharra Darwaaza (Brackish Gate) (Kharadar) and the other facing the Lyari River known as the Meet'ha Darwaaza (Sweet Gate) (Mithadar). The location of these gates correspond to the modern areas of Kharadar (Khārā Dar) and Mithadar (Mīṭhā Dar).

[edit]British rule

Dayaram Jethmal College (D.J. College) in 1800s
Karachi Airport in 1943 during World War II
After sending a couple of exploratory missions to the area, the British East India Companyconquered the town when HMS Wellesleyanchored off Manora island on 1 February 1839. Two days later, the little fort surrendered.[12] The town was later annexed to the British Indian Empire when Sindh was conquered by Major-General Charles James Napier in Battle of Mianion 17 February 1843. On his departure in 1847, he is said to have remarked, "Would that I could come again to see you in your grandeur!" Karachi was made the capital of Sindh in the 1840s. On Napier's departure, it was added along with the rest of Sindh to the Bombay Presidency, a move that caused considerable resentment among the native Sindhis. The British realised the importance of the city as a military cantonment and as a port for exporting the produce of the Indus River basin, and rapidly developed its harbour for shipping. The foundations of a city municipal government were laid down and infrastructure development was undertaken. New businesses started opening up and the population of the town began rising rapidly. The arrival of the troops of the Kumpany Bahadur in 1839 spawned the foundation of the new section, the military cantonment. The cantonment formed the basis of the 'white' city, where the Indians were not allowed free access. The 'white' town was modeled after English industrial parent-cities, where work and residential spaces were separated, as were residential from recreational places. Karachi was divided into two major poles. The 'black' town in the northwest, now enlarged to accommodate the burgeoning Indian mercantile population. When the Indian Rebellion of 1857 broke out in South Asia, the 21st Native Infantry, then stationed in Karachi, declared allegiance to rebels and joining their numbers on 10 September 1857. Nevertheless, the British were able to quickly reassert control over Karachi and defeat the uprising.
Elphinstone Street in 1930
In 1864, the first telegraphic message was sent from India to England, when a direct telegraph connection was laid between Karachi and London.[13] In 1878, the city was connected to the rest of British India by rail. Public building projects, such as Frere Hall(1865) and the Empress Market (1890), were undertaken. In 1876, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was born in the city, which by now had become a bustling city with mosques, churches, courthouses, brothels, paved streets and a magnificent harbour. By 1899, Karachi had become the largest wheat exporting port in the East.[14] Before the year 1880 the majority of the population in Karachi consisted of the indigenous Sindhis andBalochis (who spoke Sindhi as their mother tongue). Karachi was a small port town and part of Talpur dynasty in Sindh. The British East India Company conquered Karachi on February 3, 1839 and started developing it as a major port. As a result of British rule[citation needed] the local Hindu population established a massive presence in the city.
These developments in Karachi resulted in large influx of economic migrants: ParsisHindus, Christians, Jews, MarathisGoans,Armenians, Chinese, British, Lebanese and Gujaratis. The population of the city was about 105,000 inhabitants by the end of the 19th century, with a cosmopolitan mix of different nationalities. British colonialists embarked on a number of public works of sanitation and transportation — such as gravel paved streets, proper drains, street sweepers, and a network of trams and horse-drawn trolleys.

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