Saturday, March 5, 2011

Volume rendering of fluid flows below the supernova shock wave during the operation of the SASI. The fluid velocity streamlines trace out complex flow patterns in the simulation.
( -- Massive stars are inherently violent creatures-they burn, they churn, they turn, all the while creating and held hostage by constantly changing magnetic fields of almost unfathomable strength.
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And, eventually, they explode, littering the universe with the elements of life as we know it: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, etc. Everything including ourselves is the result of some star's violent demise. "We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion-year-old carbon" goes the song "Woodstock" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Even the hippies know it. And no stars do it better than those that will one day become core-collapse supernovas, or stars greater than eight solar masses. But the evolution and nature of these elemental fountains is still a mystery, one of the greatest unsolved problems in astrophysics. But perhaps not unsolved for long. A team led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Tony Mezzacappa is getting closer to explaining the origins of CCSN explosions with the help of Jaguar, a Cray XT5 supercomputer located at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility that likewise calls ORNL home.
Essentially, said Eirik Endeve, lead author of the team's latest paper, researchers want to know how these magnetic fields are created and how they impact the explosions of these . A recent suite of simulations allowed the team to address some of the most fundamental questions surrounding the magnetic fields of CCSNs. Its findings were published in The . In untangling the mystery surrounding these stars' powerful magnetic fields, researchers could ultimately explain a great deal as to why these stellar giants evolve into elemental firecrackers. 
In an effort to locate the source of the magnetic fields, the team simulated a supernova progenitor, or a star in its pre-supernova phase, using tens of millions of hours on Jaguar, the nation's fastest . The process revealed that we still have much to learn when it comes to how these stellar marvels operate.
Rotation schmotation
Collapsed supernova remnants are commonly known as pulsars, and when it comes to magnetic fields, pulsars are the top players in the stellar community. These highly magnetized, rapidly rotating neutron stars get their name from the seemingly pulsing beam of light they emit, similar to the varying brightness produced by lighthouses as they rotate. This rotation is thought to be a big factor in determining the strength of a pulsar's magnetic field-the faster a star rotates the stronger its magnetic fields. 
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Supernova progenitors tend to be slower-rotating stars. Nevertheless, the simulations of these progenitors revealed a robust magnetic-field-generation mechanism, contradicting accepted theory that rotation could be a primary driver.
Interestingly, this finding builds on the team's previous work, which together with the latest simulations reveals that the culprit behind pulsar spins is likewise responsible for their magnetic fields. The earlier simulations, the results of which were published in "Pulsar spins from an instability in the accretion shock of supernovae" in the January 2007 edition of Nature, demonstrated that a phenomenon known as the spiral mode occurs when the shock wave expanding from a supernova's core stalls in a phase known as the standing accretion shock instability. As the expanding shockwave driving the supernova explosion comes to a halt, matter outside the shockwave boundary enters the interior, creating vortices that not only start the star spinning, but also yank and stretch its magnetic fields as well.
This new revelation means two things to astronomers: first, that any rotation that serves as a key driver behind a supernova's magnetism is created via the spiral mode, and second, that not only can the spiral mode drive rotation, but it can also determine the strength of a pulsar's magnetic fields. 
Another major finding of the team's simulations is that shear flow from the SASI, or when counter-rotating layers of the star rub against one another during the SASI event, is highly susceptible to turbulence, which can also stretch and strengthen the progenitor's magnetic fields, similar to the expansion of a spring.
These two findings taken together show that CCSN magnetic fields can be efficiently generated by a somewhat unexpected source: shear flow-induced turbulence roiling the inner core of the star. "We found that starting with a similar to what we think is in a  , this turbulent mechanism is capable of magnifying the magnetic field to pulsar strengths," Endeve said.
The GenASiS of magnetic fields
The team used the General Astrophysical Simulation System to study the evolution of the progenitor's magnetic fields. GenASiS, under development by Christian Cardall, Reuben Budiardia, Endeve and Mezzacappa at ORNL and Pedro Marronetti at Florida Atlantic University, features a novel approach to neutrino transport and gravity and makes fewer approximations than its earlier counterpart, which assumed CCSNs were perfectly spherical.
The simulations essentially solved a series of magnetohydrodynamic equations, or equations that describe the properties of electrically conductive fluids. After setting the initial conditions, the team ran several models at low and high resolutions, with the highest-resolution models taking more than a month to complete. Initially, Endeve said, they were run at lower resolutions, but very little significant activity occurred. However, as they ramped up the resolution, things got interesting.
The model starts at 4,000 cores, Endeve said, but as the star becomes more chaotic with turbulence and other factors, the simulations are scaled up to 64,000 cores, giving the team a more realistic picture of the magnetic activity in a CCSN. He added that the fact that the time to solution for these hugely varying job sizes is the same due to Jaguar's queue scheduling policy is a "great advantage." "The facilities here are excellent," said Endeve, adding that the center's high-performance storage system is very important to the team's research, as one model produces hundreds of terabytes of data. "We have also received a lot of help from the visualization team, especially Ross Toedte, and the group's liaison to the OLCF, Bronson Messer." 
The team will next incorporate sophisticated neutrino transport and relativistic gravity, which will give it an even more realistic picture of CCSNs. However, to make such a powerful code economical, said Endeve, it will need to employ an adaptive mesh. And it will no doubt require Jaguar's computing power.
This latest discovery is just one more step toward unraveling the mysteries of CCSNs. As GenASiS continues to evolve, the team will be able to investigate these important stellar cataclysms at unprecedented levels, bringing science one step closer to a fundamental understanding of our universe.
Provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (news : web)
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22 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (1)
Well the song We are Stardust We are Golden, was written by Joni Mitchell and maybe sung by CSN but definitely not written by them.
21 hours ago 

Rank: not rated yet
I would like to know what the field strength of these 'unfathomable' magnetic fields are, not mentioned in the piece. I thought magnetars make the strongest fields with gauss readings in the billions and trillions, so what are the gauss readings of the simulation?
21 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (1)
the simulations are scaled up to 64,000 cores, giving the team a more realistic picture of the magnetic activity in a CCSN.

How do they know that the scaled up picture is "more realistic"? "More interesting" I'll believe, but by what measure do they determine how realistic it is?
This latest discovery is just one more step toward unraveling the mysteries of CCSNs.

This latest "discovery" is just one more step toward unraveling the mysteries of complex models, and the misapplication of their results as being evidence of objective extant reality.
20 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (4)
"The magnetic fields of almost unfathomable strength . . . "

Come from the neutron star at the core of stars, obscured from view by waste products (H and He) in the photosphere ["Neutron Repulsion," The APEIRON Journal in press (2011), 19 pages 

See also: Huang, S.-S., "A nuclear-accretion theory of star formation," Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 69, 1957, pp. 427-430; Dzhunushaliev, V., Folomeev, V., Kleihaus, B. and Kunz, J., A star harbouring a wormhole at its center, 22 February 201, 15 pp.

With kind regards,
Oliver K. Manuel

19 hours ago 

Rank: 2 / 5 (4)
=But the evolution and nature of these elemental fountains is still a mystery, one of the greatest unsolved problems in astrophysics.= It can explain the solar fountains but publications of the spectral data are prohibited. Each stellar shell is an amazing cradle of nuclides. Violent Thermonuclear Bombardment by lightist particles, protons, neutrons, deuteriums.....and alpha particles produce an impressive turbulent shell that is a cradle of nuclides. Each shell is a plasma diffusor that sorts atoms by mass.
K. Margiani
14 hours ago 

Rank: not rated yet
hmmmm - looks like a slack-jawed video gamer wearing headphones to me. (sorry, I couldn't resist).
13 hours ago 

Rank: 3 / 5 (2)
@omatumr: Last month I read Su-Shu Huang's "A nuclear-accretion theory of star formation" of 1957, just as you have suggested on this site. Page 427 says "Stars do not form by gravitational collapse of an interstellar cloud. They form on the collapsed cores of precursor stars-pulsars. We here propose a theory of the formation of stars from pre-stellar nuclei."

My immediate thought was: Where in the world does "pre-stellar nuclei" come from?? You can't just make up a word and not explain it!! 

The answer is on page 428: "For the formation of pre-stellar nuclei, no definite process has yet been proposed."

This is all bull crap, pure and simple. Please do not mention this again as an example of STAR FORMATION. It is pure bunk. 
12 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (3)
@omatumr: Last month I read Su-Shu Huang's "A nuclear-accretion theory of star formation" of 1957, just as you have suggested on this site. Page 427 says "Stars do not form by gravitational collapse of an interstellar cloud. They form on the collapsed cores of precursor stars-pulsars. We here propose a theory of the formation of stars from pre-stellar nuclei."

My immediate thought was: Where in the world does "pre-stellar nuclei" come from?? You can't just make up a word and not explain it!! 

The answer is on page 428: "For the formation of pre-stellar nuclei, no definite process has yet been proposed."

This is all bull crap, pure and simple. Please do not mention this again as an example of STAR FORMATION. It is pure bunk. 

No, the problem is yours.

Study the evidence for fragmentation of massive neutron stars at the centers of galaxies and you may learn beyond "groupthink." 
11 hours ago 

Rank: 5 / 5 (3)
"Study the evidence for fragmentation of massive neutron stars at the centers of galaxies and you may learn beyond "groupthink.""

Oliver, the paper you refer to contains NO mention of the words "galaxy" or "galaxies". Why do you point those with legitimate questions to references with no direct mention of the phenomenon you are trying to explain ("...fragmentation of massive neutron stars at the center of galaxies...")? 

(I know of other papers of yours that DO mention this so why cite a non-relevant source?) 

Some time ago I asked you for papers describing observations of individual (named) galaxies that explicitly mention "fragmentation" of (supermassive?) neutron stars at the nucleus as the dominant mechanism being observed. Your reply at the time was that such observations did not exist. Are such published observations available now? 
9 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (1)
Unfortunately that simulation is not very realistic looking.
It looks like water vs a plasma. Notice how there is no filamentation as you would see in a real plasma.
9 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (1)

No, the problem is yours.

Study the evidence for fragmentation of massive neutron stars at the centers of galaxies and you may learn beyond "groupthink." 

How does neutron stars at the center of galaxies tally with Arps work on ejection from Seyferts??
8 hours ago 

Rank: 5 / 5 (2)
Oliver has one of toadies on the site now. Its either a sockpuppet or the naive kid that is making his videos as the posts are purely toadying up to Oliver.

Oliver there is nothing new in those 19 pages. Nothing that turns neutron repulsion into reality. Nothing that makes the Sun COLDER at the core than at the surface. Its just the usual Cranking.

Only now you have a sockpuppet-toady just like you had on the Physics Forum. No one that contributes anything except more quotes of your unsupported silliness.

How to find Oliver on other sites. Just search for Peter Toth - pulsar. Even Peter Toth doesn't mention it so you only get Oliver or a toady. Unless Peter only writes about it in Magyar.

8 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (2)
Oliver, the paper you refer to contains NO mention of the words "galaxy" or "galaxies". vailable now?

Sorry. See: "On the cosmic nuclear cycle and the similarity of nuclei and stars'" J. Fusion Energy 25 (2006) 107: 

"However if the collapse of a neutron star is halted by neutron repulsion before becoming a 
singularity (a black hole), then repulsive interactions in super-massive neutron stars are the likely energy source that fragments cosmic matter to create clusters of galaxies, galaxies of stars, and planetary systems"

W. K. Brown, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 72, 15-31 (1980). 
W. K. Brown, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 121, 351-355 (1986). 
W. K. Brown, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 122, 287-298 (1986). 
W. K. Brown and L. A. Gritzo, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 123, 161-181 (1986). 
W. K. Brown, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 126, 255-267 (1986). 
G. A. Harutyunian, Astrophys., 46, 81-91 (2003); Astrofizika, 46, no. 1, 103-118 (2003) 
8 hours ago 

Rank: 5 / 5 (1)
From Naked Scientist
Thus, if Atlantis City really ever existed, modern coordinates of the golden temple which lies beneath the ocean are that; Latitude: 37:19N, Longitude: 24:58W.
I discovered the Atlantis City! Sorry Vern only the graveyard! 3/4 of the Golden City is covered by thickest magma layers.
Through the Google; Latitude: 37:19 N, Longitude: 24:58 W.
He thinks Atlantis was real. So I guess Neutron Repulsion would seem like rock solid science to him.

The Giza project began by survived Atlantians after 10,465 B.C. and finished approximately in 10,400 B.C.

His website

The US doesn't have all the Cranks. Georgia seems to have it's share as well. That is the Georgia that Stalin came from not the Georgia that Jimmy Carter is from. So he isn't a sockpuppet. He Cranks all on his own.

8 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (2)
See also: 

"It now seems more likely that asymmetric stellar explosions, bipolar outflows [117] and 
flares [118] are powered by neutron repulsion [98] and guided by the magnetic field of 
the neutron core [112] or the iron-rich material that surrounds it [118]. Neutron decay 
into oppositely charged H+ and e-, in the presence of a strong magnetic field, may initiate 
the electrical currents that have long puzzled careful observers of the Sun and other 
stellar objects [106,119,120]. 


Dynamic competition between gravitational attraction and neutron repulsion sustains our 
dynamic universe, the Sun, and life on planet Earth. Nuclear matter in the solar system is 
mostly dissociating rather than coalescing (fusing together). "

"Neutron Repulsion" [The APEIRON Journal in press (2011), pages 10-11
7 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (2)
Oliver, the paper you refer to contains NO mention of the words "galaxy" or "galaxies".

This video on neutron repulsion discusses fragmentation of galactic centers:
5 hours ago 

Rank: 1 / 5 (1)
In addition clue is in the link

to explain how the oldest objects in solar system indicate a turbulent beginning
The origin place of the solar system was from the turbulent streams of the parent star. 
The injection event interrelated to violent nucleo-synthesis reactions in the deep interior of the spots. Each spot is a highly radioactive matter by means of the violent thermonuclear bombardment through the shell. It causes periodic catastrophic concentration of the super heavy matter. The spectral data of the giant protuberances and flares vividly show the demolished super heavy matter, by powerful nuclear reaction. But publications of the spectral data are prohibited. The data contradicts to old view on hydrogen-helium ball 
K. Margiani
1 hour ago 

Rank: 5 / 5 (1)
In addition clue is in the link
Yes. It is a clue. That you are yet another Crank.

Atlantis is a fantasy. There is NO evidence for it. Just ONE story about a story that the author couldn't be bothered to complete. The rest is even more obviously fantasy because it came from one single source The Sleeping Fraud and his successor a notorious fraud herself.

If you buy into crap like that you are likely to accept anything.

59 minutes ago 

Rank: not rated yet
Sub: SUN Links-up -ADTYA
Sun links-up Aditya- which is a missing links in most of Indian texts- overlook a basic fact- that help Magnetic Vision.1. JIJNASA and 2.OM VISION SEARCH-ORIGINS-ADITYA LINKS TO SUN-HELIOSPHERE [COSMIC VISION-SOLAR ORBITER]
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